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  • Anhaltender Erfolg: nagels erhält auch 2025 wieder die Zertifizierungen von seinen langjährigen Partnern Scheidt & Bachmann sowie Skidata. Diese Nachweise bestätigen einmal mehr das konsequente Engagement für Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit in der Ticketproduktion des Unternehmens.

    Als „Development Partner“ von Scheidt & Bachmann ist nagels stolz darauf, weiterhin als bevorzugter und zertifizierter Ticketlieferant anerkannt zu sein. Auch mit Skidata verbindet das Unternehmen eine traditionsreiche Partnerschaft, in der sich nagels als verlässlicher Anbieter hochwertiger Ticketlösungen bewährt haben. Diese Zertifikate sind nicht nur eine Bestätigung dieser Erfahrung, sondern auch ein klares Versprechen an die Kunden: Sie profitieren von hundertprozentiger Kompatibilität und einer konstant hohen Ticketqualität – für ein sorgenfreies Parkerlebnis und optimierte Betriebsabläufe.

    Der Anspruch von nagels bleibt weiterhin, erstklassige Produkte und exzellenten Service zu bieten – und dabei stets mit den wachsenden Anforderungen des Marktes Schritt zu halten.

11. Februar 2025 | Kempen, Germany

Auf dem Bild wird das Band zur Halleneröffnung von Werner Nagels und Insa Nagels durchschnitten
  • Nach Monaten intensiver Planung und Bauzeit eröffnet die Nagels Druck GmbH, ein traditionsreiches Familienunternehmen aus Kempen, stolz ihre neue Lager- und Produktionshalle. Mit diesem modernen Bauprojekt setzt das Unternehmen einen weiteren Meilenstein in seiner erfolgreichen Firmengeschichte und schafft zugleich eine zukunftsfähige Basis für weiteres Wachstum.

    „Dieses neue Gebäude ist ein wichtiger Schritt im Ausbau unseres Portfolios“, erklärt Insa Nagels, Geschäftsführerin der Nagels Druck GmbH. Sie unterstreicht die Bedeutung des Projekts nicht nur für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens, sondern auch für die Verbindung zur lokalen Gemeinschaft: „Wir sind stolz darauf, unser Wachstum hier am Standort Kempen voranzutreiben und mit unserem Team sowie Partnern diesen besonderen Moment feiern zu können.“

    Ein Tag des Feierns und der Begegnung
    Am 20. Dezember wurde die Eröffnung der neuen Halle auf dem Firmengelände gebührend gefeiert. Neben den Mitarbeitenden der Nagels Druck GmbH waren auch Vertreter der beteiligten Bank, des Bauunternehmens sowie der Stadt Kempen anwesend, darunter Bürgermeister Dellmans.

    Ein Signal für die Zukunft
    Die neue Halle steht symbolisch für die Innovationskraft und das Engagement der Nagels Druck GmbH, sich den Herausforderungen des internationalen Marktes zu stellen. Gleichzeitig betont das Unternehmen mit diesem Bauprojekt seine enge Verbindung zur Region und die Verantwortung gegenüber den Menschen vor Ort.

    Nagels Druck GmbH – Innovativ und zukunftsorientiert 

    Als führender Hersteller von Identifikationslösungen in Form von Tickets und Etiketten, darunter Millionen mit RFID Chips für zahlreiche Märkte (Healthcare, Parken, ÖPNV, Logistik u.v.m.) investiert die Nagels Druck GmbH kontinuierlich in ihre Zukunft. Mit der neuen Lager- und Produktionshalle stellt sich das Unternehmen den wachsenden Anforderungen des internationalen Marktes und schafft zugleich ein modernes Arbeitsumfeld für seine Mitarbeitenden. 

20. Dezember 2024 | Kempen, Germany

  • nagels are pleased to announce a multi-year contract with Greater Anglia Rail for the manufacture and supply of Scheidt & Bachmann PRT ticket rolls.

    The PRT product development started back in 2020 with nagels and Scheidt & Bachmann, with nagels having been presented with a brief to develop the new passenger rail ticket (PRT) that rivals the existing CCST in performance and functionality while meeting the environmental shift away from magnetic stripe tickets traditionally used. Following 12 months of material development with the paper mill to formulate a unique thermal-coated paper, robust enough to meet the system and user demands placed upon it, nagels was able to start a phased product rollout with Scheidt & Bachmann, Greater Anglia Rail and others, with additional support from RDG (Rail Delivery Group) helping drive the technology change.

    nagels environmental strategy, which was embraced from the start of the product development, in line with the objectives of Greater Anglia to provide its users with a new type of ticket that addresses the need to move away from the traditional magnetic tickets containing ferrite, to a product that is not only constructed from FSC- certified paper, that has chain of custody certification, that is fully recyclable but is manufactured in a more environmental and sustainable manner,. Nagels understands that material developments are only one part of the environmental journey, and product manufacturing plays a significant role in delivering a sustainable product to its partners. Following extensive investment, a high percentage of the energy used in the PRT roll manufacture is provided by clean solar energy, generated from the 1,000 large format solar panels mounted at nagels production facility. This complements changes in production processes with the introduction of LED-cured inks, capital investments in new manufacturing equipment driving down production waste, while optimizing product efficiencies and functionality.

    Malcolm Cotter - Head of Retail Systems at Greater Anglia commented "Working with nagels on the development of the PRT has been a great success, with the collaboration resulting in nagels becoming the exclusive supplier to GA for the PRT products. Nagels' knowledge of the ticketing sector, their ability to listen to our requirements and concerns, and their responsiveness in addressing these, helped drive forward the PRT project rollout. We look forward to working and growing our business with nagels in the years ahead."

    Lee Minter - Managing Director at nagels UK Ltd and development lead on the project stated: "The signing of this contract with Greater Anglia represents the efforts of all those involved in the PRT journey to date: our development partner Scheidt & Bachmann UK, the PRT project team at Rail Delivery Group, and of course Malcolm, David Edwards - Lead Retail Systems Manager and the GA team for placing their trust in nagels to deliver a world-class product and service to GA and rail passengers. The PRT product development cements nagels move into the UK rail ticketing sector, providing rail, metro, streetcar and bus operators more choice when it comes to supplier, challenging the status quo and driving competition and change"

October 28, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

  • nagels is pleased to announce its collaboration with dVIN Labs to bring blockchain technology to the wine industry. dVIN uses nagels digital labels embedded with NFC chips in wine bottles to create a direct connection between exclusive wines and the blockchain. This allows wine lovers to participate in unique experiences and earn rewards by sharing relevant data. For the launch of the dVIN currency, $VIN, both premium and smart nagels labels will be used to bring the world's largest "liquid airdrop" to the market.

    At Solana Breakpoint 2024 in Singapore, dVIN will demonstrate the power of blockchain in the wine industry. They will distribute 3,000 limited edition champagne bottles equipped with smart labels. These labels securely store cryptographic signatures and enable an airdrop of $VIN tokens, the luxury wine industry's first native token. By simply tapping the label with a smartphone, participants can interact with their bottle, claim their $VIN tokens and share the experience with others.

    The collaboration between nagels and dVIN Labs marks a new chapter in the digital transformation of the wine industry. The high-quality, smart labels from nagels create a seamless connection between each wine bottle and the blockchain, while at the same time impressing with their elegant design and integration of state-of-the-art technology. This combination of physical product and digital property allows consumers to collect their wine bottles, interact with them and participate in new, personalized wine experiences.

    For nagels, this project is another step towards the future of innovative product solutions. The company is constantly working on developing new ways to identify and connect products, information and personal data in an intelligent and secure way. With the smart labels from nagels, the enjoyment of a fine wine becomes an interactive, digital experience - and at the same time a revolution in the luxury wine industry.

September 20, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

More than 40 mayors from NRW met in Kempen at nagels
  • On 12.09.2024, nagels hosted a special visit in Kempen: Christoph Dellmans, Mayor of the city of Kempen, brought a delegation of more than 30 mayors from various North Rhine-Westphalian cities to get to know the company. The excursion served both as an exchange between the cities and as a presentation of an important company in the region.

    The delegation was welcomed by the nagels management right at the start of the visit. With an international network and a leading position in the field of ticket and label production, nagels is a flagship of the Kempen economy.

    After the welcome address, the management of nagels presented the company in more detail. Founded in 1928, nagels has developed from a small family business into an internationally active company. Specializing in the production of parking, admission and event tickets as well as RFID and barcode technologies, nagels today supplies customers worldwide. The sustainable production processes and innovative projects that nagels has introduced in recent years to reduce its ecological footprint and be well positioned for the future were particularly highlighted.

    The company presentation was followed by the highlight of the visit: a tour of the production halls. Accompanied by the management and the sales management, the mayors were able to gain a direct insight into the production processes. From the processing of the raw materials to the printing and finishing of the tickets and labels - every step was explained in detail.

    The delegation was particularly interested in the machines that nagels uses to manufacture particularly futuristic and innovative products. The use of sustainable materials and efforts to use environmentally friendly processes also met with great interest.

    The mayors of the delegation were delighted with the insight they were able to gain into a state-of-the-art company.

    The visit to nagels in Kempen was therefore not only an informative event, but also a successful example of inter-municipal exchange and networking between cities and business.

September 18, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

  • With its smart tickets, nagels has been active in various countries and markets for years. This year and beyond, Paris public transport will be equipped with Calypso Light tickets from nagels. These ticket media, equipped with the Calypso Light® application, will be available at the numerous ticket machines in the greater Paris area.

    As part of the programme to modernize public transport, which has been running since 2016, numerous stations and points of sale are being modernized and the entire ticketing system in and around Paris is being renewed. A central component of this modernization is the replacement of the previous magnetic individual tickets with Calypso Light® smart tickets from nagels.

    These tickets enable secure and fast ticket validation. This leads to shorter waiting times and easier access to transportation for the millions of visitors expected to attend the Olympic Games.

    In addition to their functional superiority, Calypso Light tickets also place particular emphasis on sustainability. They are manufactured in Germany, in an extremely short supply chain, including partners who all have an eye on sustainability.

    "We are proud to make a significant contribution to the modernization of the Paris public transport system with our Calypso Light tickets," says Insa Nagels, Managing Director. "Our technology stands for innovation and sustainability and is designed to ensure that all passengers can enjoy their journey to their destination."

    The switch to Calypso Light tickets is a significant step in the modernization of Paris' public transport system and underlines the city's commitment to innovation and sustainability. nagels is proud to be part of this ground-breaking project and to help shape the future of passenger transport in Paris.

July 26, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

Paper-based RFID tickets from nagels
  • At nagels, we strive to make a real contribution with our environmental initiatives. The continuous development of our products has led to the development of paper-based RFID tickets, a breakthrough that is particularly beneficial in parking facilities and public transportation.

    For years, our RFID products have served various markets and industries and are known for their quality. Now our new RFID tickets are made entirely of paper, avoiding the use of PET material and combining environmental awareness with state-of-the-art technology. Made from FSC-certified paper on both sides and with the RFID chip and antenna securely housed in the paper, we are actively reducing the use of plastic and contributing to a greener future.

    For example, in parking garages where millions of tickets are issued annually, this switch to paper-based RFID tickets not only meets sustainability goals, but also ensures smoother operations and more convenience for users. With their durable yet environmentally friendly construction, these tickets are wear-resistant and ensure reliable performance even in high-traffic environments such as parking garages. In addition, the integration of RFID technology optimizes the parking process by enabling faster vehicle entries and exits and minimizing the need for manual ticket validation.

    In addition, the use of paper-based RFID tickets improves the overall customer experience by eliminating the hassle of traditional plastic tickets that can be easily lost or damaged. Parking lot operators can also use the data captured by RFID technology for improved analytics and management of parking resources, resulting in more efficient use of space and reduced congestion.

May 22, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

  • Nagels Druck GmbH partners with Gymnasium Thomaeum from Kempen to offer students a unique experience in the field of printing. As part of this collaboration, students from art courses 7b and 7d had the opportunity to visit the company and experience the entire printing process of their own posters.

    In the weeks beforehand, the pupils had worked intensively on the topic of "How do I advertise my school" and dealt with the creation of posters. The two best posters were selected to be printed at the company together with the pupils and managing director Insa Nagels. The pupils were able to experience the entire process of print acceptance and printing at first hand.

    During the visit, the students were given a comprehensive tour of the company, which specializes in printing and the production of various print products. They learned about the various printing techniques, including flexographic printing, classic offset printing and modern digital printing. At the individual stations, they were able to follow the journey of their posters through the company before they were printed.

    The students were particularly impressed by the variety of jobs that nagels carries out for customers such as the Paris Metro. From tickets with magnetic bands and barcodes to QR codes and RFID technology - all these small, inconspicuous cards enable smooth access to various events and services. Although no such technology was required for the students' posters, it was fascinating to see how the edges of the posters were trimmed by machine at the end so that the young designers could hold their own product in their hands.

    The partnership between nagels and the Thomaeum grammar school offers pupils a valuable opportunity to gain an insight into the world of printing and develop their creative skills.

May 06, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

  • Nagels Druck GmbH, a successful family business from Kempen, is on its way to new heights of success. As a leading manufacturer of tickets in the parking and transportation sector, the company sets a significant milestone in its impressive company history.

    The laying of the foundation stone for the new, highly secure production and warehouse building marks a decisive step towards future growth. This will not only secure capacities for existing and potential new customers, but also create a state-of-the-art environment for the dedicated employees.

    The new building promises promising prospects for the Kempen site. With this building, Nagels Druck GmbH continues to meet the international challenges and increasing demand for tickets, labels and marking products of all kinds.

    The latest successes are the result of a consistent focus on the latest technologies.

    Insa Nagels, Managing Director of Nagels Druck GmbH, emphasizes: "I am personally particularly proud of the people behind our impressive growth. I think it's great to be able to take the next steps together with our strong team and to see our company grow together.

    The upcoming construction of the new halls marks an exciting phase in the company's history. Werner Nagels emphasizes: "Even though we have a strong international presence, we have been closely linked to the Kempen site as a family for decades. For us, the construction of this new hall is not only an investment in our future, but also in the region and the people who live here."

    Nagels Druck GmbH remains committed to driving innovation and growth, setting a clear tone in the ticketing and labeling industry.

March 28, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

  • nagels will once again be represented at this year's Intertraffic, the world's leading trade fair for traffic technology, road construction and mobility solutions, in Amsterdam. From April 16 to 19, our sales colleagues will be waiting for you at our stand in Hall 10 - Stand 10.514 for talks, initial meetings or even the first project discussion.

    "Our participation in Intertraffic is a highlight for us every two years. We see it as a special opportunity to present our innovative ticketing solutions and to enter into dialog with our customers and partners directly on site," emphasizes Insa Nagels, Managing Director of nagels.

    Feel free to drop by for a coffee in the nagels exhibition area. The entire nagels team is looking forward to your visit.

March 14, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

Certificates nagels 2024
  • nagels is proud to announce that the company has once again received the highly respected certifications for 2024 from long-standing partners Scheidt & Bachmann and Skidata. These awards underline nagels ' ongoing collaboration and commitment to excellence and reliability in the provision of ticketing solutions.

    As a long-standing "Development Partner" of Scheidt & Bachmann, nagels is proud to continue to be recognized as a preferred and certified ticket supplier. The company has also been a trusted partner and supplier to Skidata for more than a decade. These certificates not only serve as recognition of nagels' many years of experience, but also as a promise to customers that they can continue to rely on the quality and functionality of their parking tickets for all nagels systems.

    nagels is continuously committed to delivering outstanding service and first-class products that meet the ever-increasing demands of the market. These renewed certifications reinforce the company's commitment and mark another milestone on the road to excellence in the industry.

March 04, 2024 | Kempen, Germany

  • nagels, an international industry leader in identification solutions, recently concluded its annual strategy meeting, bringing together international colleagues to chart the course for the company's strategic direction in the coming year and beyond.

    During these dynamic sessions, participants not only discussed the latest developments, but also took the opportunity to celebrate the remarkable projects and successes of the current year. It was an opportunity to experience the power of teamwork and the shared commitment to shaping the future of the company.

    The strategy days proved to be an invaluable framework for preparing for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Participants left these meetings with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm for implementing the company's strategic plans.

    Insa Nagels, Managing Director at nagels, expressed her gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of these productive days, saying: "We greatly appreciate the dedication and hard work of our team, who were instrumental in the success of these strategy days."

    The event was characterized by discussions on key strategic initiatives, innovative ideas and a shared vision for the future of nagels. These insights will play a crucial role in driving the company's growth and continued success in the print products industry.

    nagels looks forward to an exciting future, ready to take on any challenges that may arise. The company remains true to its commitment to delivering quality and performance.

November 03, 2023 | Kempen, Germany

  • nagels, an international leader in the identification solutions industry, proudly launched its new career website in October, allowing applicants and potential employees to learn about career opportunities and apply. The innovative platform is designed to bring the working world at nagels closer and optimize the application experience for job seekers.

    The nagels career website offers a wealth of information about the company, its values and culture, career opportunities and vacancies. With an easy-to-navigate design and a direct way to contact the talent acquisition team, it stands out from conventional job portals.

    Anke Krauleidies, Head of HR Recruiting at nagels, expressed her excitement about the new career website, saying, "We believe our employees are our most valuable asset, and we are proud to introduce this new platform that allows applicants to better understand our company culture and values. The site not only provides an enhanced application experience, but also allows us to attract and retain the best talent."

    The release of the new career website is another step in nagels' efforts to attract world-class talent and continuously improve the working environment for its employees. The website is available now at[] and promises to revolutionize the way people explore career opportunities at nagels.

October 25, 2023 | Kempen, Germany

Trade Fairs nagels 2023
  • To establish a presence and remain a leader in the parking and mobility industry, nagels participated in several prestigious industry trade shows and conferences throughout the year. These events allowed us to showcase our innovations, connect with customers and prospects, and share our vision globally.

    UITP Global Public Transport Summit - Barcelona, Spain

    The year started with a nagels presence at the UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Barcelona. nagels made a positive impression on the global public transport stage. The booth showcased the latest ticketing solutions and contributed to the further development of public transport services.

    Parkex/Traffex - Birmingham, United Kingdom

    nagels showed its expertise at the Parkex/Traffex trade show. As a leading provider of parking solutions, we emphasized our commitment to innovation and customer-focused solutions in the industry.

    IMPI Parking and Mobility Conference and Expo - Texas, USA

    nagels made a statement at the IMPI Parking and Mobility Conference and Expo, reaffirming its commitment to pioneering parking and mobility solutions in the United States. The event served as a valuable platform to present our vision to the American market.

    PARKING - Wiesbaden, Germany

    nagels was represented at PARKEN in Wiesbaden, further consolidating its position as a key player in the European parking industry. Our booth was a central and popular meeting point for our customers and interested parties.

    Calypso User Days - Venice, Italy

    Attending the Calypso User Days in Venice was a sign of our commitment to innovation in the smart ticketing and contactless payment solutions sector. nagels plays an important role in the development and delivery of tickets in the Calypso environment and was able to network with industry leaders at this event, sharing insights and exploring how to further drive progress in the world of transportation.

    APTA Expo - Orlando, USA

    Our recent presence at the APTA Expo in Orlando, Florida, demonstrated nagels' continued commitment to the public transportation industry in North America. We showcased our technologies and solutions that increase the efficiency and convenience of public transportation systems.

    These events and functions have provided us with valuable opportunities to network, learn and share our innovative solutions with the world. We look forward to continuing our journey to revolutionize the parking and mobility industry.

October 18, 2023 | Kempen, Germany

Mayor visits nagels to improve exchange between business and city.
  • Who would have thought that a piece of Kempen could soon be found in the middle of the cosmopolitan city of Paris? The Kempen-based company nagels recently won the contract to produce the new tickets for the Paris Metro. These are based on contactless RFID technology and replace the conventional magnetic strip ticket in the cosmopolitan city. Mayor Christoph Dellmans congratulated the company on this success during his visit to the Kempen headquarters. Together with economic development officer Stefan von Laguna, Christoph Dellmans regularly visits Kempen companies. Their aim is to find out first-hand what the current situation is and where support can be provided by the city and, in particular, by the business development department.

    nagels is a modern company that specializes, among other things, in the production of various tickets that are used in over 80 countries worldwide. What sounds simple at first is in part associated with complex and highly technical printing processes. After all, tickets are no longer just made of paper. They contain codes, magnetic strips or now even chips. During his visit to the company, Mayor Christoph Dellmans was impressed by production, but also by the entrepreneurial spirit of the owners: "I am proud that we have such innovative companies in Kempen that act as global players all over the world." He is pleased that Nagels wants to continue to grow and, above all, can do so at the Kempen site.

    The company was founded in Krefeld in 1928 under the name Schwieren as a classic print shop. In 1977, Karl Nagels took over the business and moved to Kempen in 1988. In the meantime, Nagels has a broad product portfolio and 15 locations in 10 countries around the world. However, the headquarters are still in Kempen, where the roots of the Nagels family also lie. To this day, the company is run as a family business, currently by Werner, Thomas and Insa Nagels.

    For business promoter Stefan von Laguna, Nagels is a showcase company that is not only successful but also innovative, focusing on important values such as sustainability and social interaction. "We have many successful medium-sized companies in Kempen, some of which operate all over the world. They contribute significantly to the positive development of our city through their innovative strength and the high personal commitment of the company managements as well as the employees." To ensure that this remains the case in the future, the economic development officer is in constant exchange with the companies and supports them wherever possible.


October 01, 2023 | Kempen, Germany

  • Calypso® is an open, secure standard for ticketing. It is used in more than 25 countries and over 170 cities worldwide and was developed by transport operators and authorities for transport operators and authorities to ensure long-term usability and sustainability of ticketing systems.

    As the first company worldwide, nagels introduces a fully certified Calypso Basic ticket in addition to its Calypso Light tickets. In March, the Calypso Basic Standard ticket received CNA certification to ensure compatibility and interoperability among Calypso products. Through the independent and transparent certification process, customers and partners worldwide can be sure that the tickets produced by nagels can be easily integrated into existing Calypso systems.

    Next opportunity to talk to us? Get to know nagels and find out more about the Calypso product range at Transport Ticketing Global in London. The contact person Mrs. Tanja Hess will visit the fair and will be available for numerous discussions there.

    With the expansion of its ticketing offering, nagels continues to expand its position in the ticketing and smart ticketing market. Calypso Basic is a contactless smart ticket with an ISO/IEC 14443 interface running a single Calypso Basic application. This ticket allows access to public transportation and can be used in an already existing Calypso infrastructure. Thanks to this compatibility with the Calypso system, the associated integration effort is reduced and setup costs are avoided. Basically, no changes to the data model are necessary, and special terminals for processing Calypso Basic Tickets can be dispensed with. In this product segment of tickets, the Calypso Basic Ticket offers an unprecedented level of security and is especially aimed at passengers who use public transport rather irregularly.

March 07, 2023 | Kempen, Germany

  • nagels has been a reliable partner for numerous system manufacturers for decades. In 2023, the nagels team will therefore again receive certifications from its partners Scheidt & Bachmann as well as from Skidata. At Scheidt & Bachmann, the company has already been listed as a "Development Partner" for years and has been a preferred and certified ticket supplier of Skidata since 2003.

    With these two certificates, the company certifies and underlines its position as an outstanding service provider and assures its customers of consistent quality and functionality of their parking tickets for all systems.

    nagels focuses on the quality and reliability of our ticket solutions as well as on the development of innovative products. In addition, the company is available as a contact partner for new developments and product optimizations.

January 26, 2023 | Kempen, Germany

  • nagels sets another important milestone in the expansion of its international market presence in the field of smart ticketing solutions: As a supplier of Calypso® Light tickets for Île de France Mobilité (IDFM), nagels is one of the first companies to offer this ticket in a commercial environment. After a long test phase, the first tickets with this brand new technology are now being used in practice under real conditions.

    IDFM is responsible for transport in Paris and in the 1233 cities in the surrounding area with a total population of 15 million. Thus, nagels proves its strong position in the field of smart ticketing for public transport. The implementation phase, called "the run", has started in the last days of 2022 and is the first step towards the live use of the tickets.

    The contract awarded to nagels is part of the Mass Transit Modernization Program launched in 2016. Around 1,000 stations, including points of sale, turnstiles and ticket vending machines, 10,000 buses, streetcars, subways, validators, etc. will be refurbished, retrofitted or renewed and new lines will be opened. Total investment is expected to exceed two billion euros per year until 2024.

    "We are very proud to be part of this exciting project, which is the world's first real implementation of this new technology. This order is a concrete recognition of nagels' competence in the global mass transit market and especially in the Calypso area," says Insa Nagels, Managing Director.

    IDFM is calling on all local authorities to upgrade their systems to the Calypso standard, which is currently one of the most secure solutions for ticketing with RFID. The magnetic disposable tickets used until now - known to all Parisians as "ticket t" - will be replaced by rechargeable and reusable flexible paper tickets called SOCS (Supports Occasionnel Calypso Souple). These new media, all loaded with the new Calypso Light® standard application, will be issued by the thousands of ticket vending machines installed in the Paris region. The target audience for this new ticketing solution is the general public and occasional users. All tickets are produced in Germany at nagels' headquarters in Kempen.

January 18, 2023 | Kempen, Germany

  • Calypso® is an open, secure standard for ticketing always with a focus on flexible and long-term deployable products. It is used in more than 25 countries and over 170 cities worldwide and was developed by transport companies and authorities for transport companies and authorities to ensure long-term usability and sustainability.

    nagels offers two paper-based products from the Calypso® system in its product portfolio - the Calypso® Light Ticket and the Calypso® Basic Ticket.

    Both ticket versions are characterized by high security and fast, contactless transactions. They are produced with the same data model and can be managed in the customer terminals with the same software. This technical feature offers an enormous advantage when switching from one ticket version to another. There are little to no changeover costs if a Calypso® product has already been used in the past.

    The differences between the two tickets are in the details. While the Calypso® Light Ticket contains its own operating system with the TimeCOS® CLAP, the Calypso® Basic Ticket is provided with the Calypso® Filestructure directly during chip manufacture by Infineon. It does not require an extra operating system. In addition, a significantly smaller chip is installed in the nagels Basic Ticket compared to the Light Ticket. This is also rechargeable and reusable, but only one Calypso® product can be loaded and not two, as with the Light.

December 14, 2022 | Kempen, Germany